
Attempt the Impossible

Title:      Attempt the Impossible
BookID:      14188
Authors:      Archbishop Thomas Menamparampil, SDB
ISBN-10(13):      978-93-5015-388-8
Publication date:      2022
Number of pages:      442
Language:      English
Price:      195,00 R
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover

A collection of articles by Archbishop Menamparampil on the sharing of the Christian Message in a world of uncertainty where the search for meaning and purposefulness is also growing intensely.

In an increasingly secularized world where every tenet of the Faith is being questioned, it has become most challenging to explain our religious convictions, remaining always open to newly emerging perspectives on life.

“Return to the ways of the Acts of the Apostles”, says Archbishop Thomas. It is an exciting mission to ‘Attempt the Impossible’.

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