

Title:      RECONCILABLE DIFFERENCES: Reconcilable Difference
BookID:      12062
Authors:      Andrew Christerson, Brian D. Doss, Neil S.
ISBN-10(13):      *************
Publisher:      St. Paul Publications India
Publication date:      2014
Number of pages:      472
Language:      English
Price:      217,00 R
Rating:      0 
Picture:      cover

Offers a slew of tools that couples can use to reconcile their differences without the help of a therapist." -Jane Brody. The New York Times Every couple has disagreements, but what happens when recurring conflicts start pull your relationship apart? Do you lie awake hoping that your spouse will eventually see things your way, or rehashing the evidence that you're right? Demand some immediate changes - or else?

This guide offers powerful solutions for couples frustrated by continual attempts to make each other change. True acceptance may seem difficult to accomplish, but the clear-cut steps and thought-provoking exercises in this book can make it a reality.



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