The heart of the Pauline spirituality is Jesus Master, Way, Truth and Life. Living in him, we enthusiastically proclaim his Gospel. Our spirituality is complete because it leads the whole person mind, will, heart, body and physical energies to God.
We are striving to reach the same goal as the Apostle Paul: "It is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me". To attain this objective, we draw light and support from the Eucharist, the Word of God, daily prayer and fraternal communion all of which give us the strength we need to carry out our many-faceted apostolate. They are also the fonts that help us discern the signs of the times so as to respond to the needs of the Church and world.
Modeling ourselves on Mary, whom we honor as the Queen of Apostles and of every apostolate, we bring Jesus to all humanity with great fervor, proclaiming the Truth that saves, the Way that leads to the Father, and his Life of grace.


"Holiness is life, movement, nobility and effervescence"

Blessed James Alberione

Ours is a media spirituality that recognises communication itself as a gift of God, a call to a relationship that participates in the very life of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We pray for all who work in the media – journalists, TV and film producers and directors, actors, radio broadcasters, and all who live in the new culture that is being created around us by the very fact that there are new forms of communication. Communication pervades every aspect of our prayer, our ministry, our publications and productions, and our life in community.


"The Pauline Family strives to fully live the gospel of Jesus Christ, Way, Truth and Life, in the spirit of St Paul, under the gaze of the Queen of the Apostles."

Blessed James Alberione

You were born of the Eucharist

Your food is the Eucharist.
Your spirituality is the Gospel
lived in its entirety as explained
by St Paul the Apostle.
Your mother and model is Mary.

Blessed James Alberione



Father in union with all those who today celebrate the Eucharistic banquet a memorial of Christ’s death and resurrection, I offer my own self with our Lord:

To make amends for the error spread by the misuse of the media of social communications;

To beg your mercy for those persons who often allow themselves to be led astray by the indiscriminate use of the communications media;

For those who knowingly reject your Son and use the media of social communication with malice;

That men and women may hear and follow him alone whom you, heavenly Father, in your boundless love gave to the world, saying:  'This is my beloved Son, hear him.'

That the use of the media may help men and women learn and believe that Jesus alone is the perfect teacher;

That there may be a great increase in the number of priests, religious and lay persons who by prayer, example and professional work are devoted to the Christian apostolate of communications;

That all those who work with the media of social communications may strive to become holy, and proficient in their efforts, for the glory of God and the salvation of humankind;

That we may come to know our strengths and weaknesses, and your love which alone makes us worthy to call upon you as our Father, imploring your light, compassion and mercy.

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