AnointedForDiscipleshipAnointed for Discipleship: The Meaning of Baptism for Our Christian Life

Mary A. Ehle

This short booklet explores the Catholic understanding of the Sacrament of Baptism and the baptized Christian's important role in sharing the light of Christ.

The questions at the end of each short chapter will help readers reflect upon what it means to be a Christian disciple in the world today, living lives of justice, charity, and love.

2022    32 pages    R60.00




TakeBlessBreakShareTake, Bless, Break, Share: A Strategy for a Eucharistic Revival

Cardinal Blase J. Cupich

Reviving our encounter with the person of Jesus is a lifelong journey. In these five sessions, Cardinal Cupich proposes five strategies to help Catholics deepen this encounter through a profound experience of the Eucharist―one that leads to living faith-filled lives.

Perfect for parish-wide and small group sharing, each session features thoughtful questions for reflection and conversation, and encourages Catholics to ponder and pray about their participation in Christ’s abundant gift of the Eucharist and its connection to daily life.

2022    32 pages    R199.50


LiturgyAndLiturgicalFormationLiturgy and Liturgical Formation

Guardini Romano

In 1923, Romano Guardini’s Liturgie und Liturgische Bildung was published in German and later in Italian. For the first time, this overlooked but foundational resource is available in English. In this book, Guardini presents the specific task of the liturgy, and by extension, the ways in which the liturgy forms us to respond to sacramental signs and to understand our place in the community.

Pope Francis drew upon Guardini’s insights in his recent apostolic letter, Desiderio Desideravi, highlighting how, as Guardini wrote, the liturgy forms us “to relate religiously as fully human beings.”  The ongoing formation and education of the assembly is essential, and Liturgy and Liturgical Formation provides a lens through which this formation can be realized.

2022    160 pages    R445.00


Looking Upwards and Outwards: Sunday Reflections on the Gospel of Luke - Year C

Pope Francis

The Pope’s commentary on the Gospel of the Sundays of the liturgical year, for our spiritual growth and better participation in the Sunday Mass.

It is and appropriately designed book, giving us the possibility of approaching with ease the depth of the Pope’s biblical reflections on Luke’s Gospel.

2022     R115.00






Lectio Divina

This Year Calendar
Liturgical Year C

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Lectio Divina in ppt

Your Guide to Planning a Catholic Funeral
Lonne Murphy

YourGuideToPlanningA CatholicFuneral
2019   32 pages   R110.00

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