We are the Church and thus we are responsible for contributing to its mission through our role as lay Paulines.

Pauline apostles. In the steps of the Apostle Paul and Fr. Alberione, sustained by our membership in the Pauline Family and by its spirituality, we seek to live as lay Pauline apostles in every situation in which we find ourselves: work, school, family life, our parish and diocesan community, collaborating through catechetical instruction, liturgical animations, and the dissemination of Christian-inspired reading material.

In harmony with our particular condition, means and abilities, we collaborate with the pastoral work of various communications organisms in the spheres of radio and TV, striving to form audiences to a critical use of the media. We carry out the biblical apostolate and also animation activities on World Communications Day.

We support projects that foster human promotion and that disseminate the Gospel among the poorest people, especially in mission lands.

Our Association carries out the Pauline apostolate in many ways, the most important of which is prayer. We pray, above all, that the apostolic initiatives of the Pauline Family throughout the world in the field of communications will be effective. We also pray for vocations for the Pauline Family and for the Church.

All the forms of apostolic collaboration we perform as an Association and as individuals are important because they proclaim the Good News of Jesus Way, Truth and Life, the only One able to respond to the yearning of individuals and of all humanity for meaning in life; the only One able to alleviate the deepest anxieties of people today.

Today more than ever, the Founder would have wanted lay Paulines to be active in many cities and nations, using the most rapid and effective instruments of communication: book/magazine/newspaper publishing; multimedia publishing; the Internet; painting; music; teaching; collaboration with national and local communications structures and with the major media; through our presence in all the areas where ideas are generated and people determine societys behavior and moral habits; in all the modern areopagi of information and debate, so as to proclaim the Gospel to everyone. He would want his Pauline lay co-workers to foster and disseminate values through their activities as book sellers, as promoters of the good in schools; as apostles in prisons, in centers of culture and in the field of information technology, each apostle working according to his/her charisms and possibilities.

Aware that, for us, communicating the Gospel is the highest expression of love for God and humanity, we strive to keep alive the pastoral spirit we inherited from the Founder:

Love everyone. Think of everyone.

Work with the spirit of the Gospel,

which is a spirit of universality and mercy.

Imitate the spirit of St. Paul the Apostle,

who was always striving to reach

those who had not yet received the light of Jesus Christ.

(J. Alberione)


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