Sanctify Them in Truth: How the Church's Social Doctrine Addresses the Issues
of Our Time
Jeffrey Kirby S.T.L.
Is an approachable guide on eight of our most pressing social issues.
The book applies divine wisdom and the guidance of the Church as it dissects oft-debated topics, presenting helpful teaching so that the reader knows how to navigate today’s contentious world with conviction and a clear conscience.
2022 176 pages R285.00
Four More Witnesses: Further Testimony from Christians Before Constantine
Rod Bennett
A spiritual adventure following the lives and words of Clement of Rome, Ignatius of Antioch, Justin Martyr, and Irenaeus of Lyons. Four More Witnesses invites readers to enter again the world of the early, influential Christian writers, this time meeting Hermas, Clement of Alexandria, Hippolytus, and Origen.
What did these witnesses have to say on the necessity of baptism? What did they think of "eternal security" and confessions to Church elders? What about Mary and her role in salvation history? Christian writers addressed all of these questions, and many more, in the decades following the Apostles—an era when even the Creed was still a work in progress.
2021 170 pages R325.00
Global Catholicism: Profiles and Polarities
Thomas P. Rausch
Examines and analyzes the emerging patterns and trends surrounding Pope Francis' controversial call for a "synodal" church, for Catholics to be missionary disciples, and for a Church that goes to the peripheries.
By surveying Catholic churches around the world, the author anticipates an emerging Church that is more polycentric than European, one that is less privileged and has a more inclusive governance with an expanded ministry, and one that emphasizes dialogue with
2021 256 pages R565.00
The Southern African Catholic Bishops Conference
Contact details for dioceses and national Catholic organisations.