Christ is AliveChrist Is Alive

Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation CHRISTUS VIVIT of the Holy Father Francis to Young People and to the Entire People of God.

2019    104 pagine    R105.00






RebukingTheDevilRebuking the Devil

Pope Francis

Features a survey of Pope Francis’s important teachings on the history of the devil, his empty promises and works, and how we can actively combat him. This book shows us how to recognize the tricks of the enemy, avoid his traps and defeat his efforts through the power of God in Jesus Christ.

While the text does affirm the reality of the devil, Pope Francis also offers wisdom in following God’s righteous laws and keeping our eyes fixed on the sovereignty of Jesus as we battle evil in our own lives and in the world. 

2019    154 pages    R77.50

POpeFrancisTheFamilyAndDivorcePope Francis the Family and Divorce: In Defence of Truth and Divorce

Stephen Walford – Preface by Pope Francis

Stephen Walford writes,“Chapter Eight will surely be remembered years from now as one of the most controversial things a Pope has written as part of the ordinary magisterium. In dealing with the pastoral care of those in irregular situations—such as the divorced and civilly remarried—it presents a challenge, inviting all to step outside the comfort zone wrought by a general rule and discipline-based approach to complex moral issues."

In response to dissenters of the papal magisterium on Amoris Laetitia, Walford has written a book that is sure to spark discussion. It calls for approaching with love, compassion, and mercy those who find themselves in complex relationships. This is in keeping with the understanding that Pope Francis teaches with the authority of Christ. This book speaks to lay persons as well as to clergy and members of academia.

2018    210 pages     R369.50

PopeFrancisOnGoodGovernancePope Francis on Good Governance & Accountability in Africa

Elias Omondi Opongo, sj

Brings together articles from different authors who have diverse experiences in peacebuilding. The discussions draw attention to the vital role of good governance in political structures and also notes that the church has a prophetic role to play as she is invited to stewardship of herself and others in the concrete realization in history of God's will of abundant life for humans and for the entire cosmos.

Further, the articles underline the importance of engaging the youth in social transformation processes while empowering them with the necessary skills for gainfu employment. Political leadership and good governance ought to be grounded on sustainable economic structures, human rights, citizen participation, accountability, reconciliation and the love of God.

2018    295 pages    R297.50


Christ is alive

A resource
for Catholic priests

epriest1 Best practices, homily packs, and resources.

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